The term VR, short for virtual reality, designates interactive software that immerses users in alternate realities that simulate real-life experiences, usually through special headsets or lenses.
Various industries are now finding uses for VR, in order to present products better, impress customers, or create a distinctive marketing strategy. For some brands, it has become a creative way to showcase a product and to differentiate from the competition while creating targeted engagement and impact.

One of the most notable examples is Samsung, which in collaboration with NASA, has created “A Moon For All Mankind VR” - a virtual moonwalking experience that realistically recreates the feelings the actual astronauts had.
Oreo used VR for a recent marketing campaign for their newest products that invited the consumer into a wonderland of milk, cocoa, and sweetness, capturing the audience in a fun way.
Some car manufacturing companies use this technology for virtual idyllic test drives, while Patron Tequila uses VR to present the story of how the drink is created, giving the viewer an inside look on the process and some useful and entertaining knowledge.
In the home improvement niche, IKEA uses its PLACE app to allow customers to see how their space would look with a new piece of furniture; it’s fairly simple but very practical.
In Romania, one great example is the TIFF festival and its infiniTIFF - a VR dedicated section to emphasize the digital transformations taking place in all segments of life and the challenges and opportunities that come along.
There have been interesting experiments done within ICEEfest and the “Next Big Vlogger” event sponsored by Coca Cola, and even some smaller in-store campaigns for brands like Pepsi.
By giving users the possibility to be absorbed by this type of unique virtual reality, brands also offer possible customers the chance to interact and connect in an innovative way. It can become a very personal experience, and it can create a unique permanent connection between consumers and businesses.
Just imagine the possibilities and the interest this technology can create! 🕶